2024 Season

In our 18th year Cinematheque is back with exciting new series capturing our mission of bringing essential works of cinema art to Calgary.

We operate as a year-round season, with shows every two weeks. Our Contemporary World Cinema series will continue, as will our partnership with the public library.

Stay tuned to our social media and subscribe to our newsletter to get the first scoop on upcoming announcements!

lOVERS Out East: queer asian cinema

For this year’s pride month, Calgary Cinematheque is highlighting Queer Cinema from East Asia. The films in our lineup are: The Handmaiden (2016), Taboo (1999), and Saving Face (2004), retrospectively. We want to highlight culture in tandem with queer love, and the connection and relation between the two.

Previously programmed

Art by Mitch Malyk.


Spirituality is maybe the last taboo of the modern age. Often questioned in this era of science and logical objectivity, the sway that metaphysical philosophy still has over our society is nonetheless as potent as ever.

The Sweet East (2023)

The Sweet East (2023)

A high school senior from South Carolina gets her first glimpse of the wider world, picturesque cities and woods of the Eastern seaboard on a class trip to Washington, D.C.

Art by Kara Mains


On March 1, 1954, the United States of America detonated the world's first hydrogen bomb in the Castle Bravo test at Bikini Atoll. It is the most powerful thermonuclear detonation executed by the United States.